Understanding and embracing technology is an important part of today's marketplace. Learning to interact in today's digital world is a must for individuals to embrace.
Certainly, it's easiest for the younger generation (does that make me sound old?). It's critical for the more mature.
But, with all this online collaboration, have we forgotten something about what it means to be human?
When I started my company nearly six years ago, I had the thought that we'd be very successful by letting people work wherever they were without a central office. I realized very quickly that my style of management (both project and people) is a very collaborate process. Being collaborative online is a tricky and, usually, ineffective process.
Sure, there are tools available like GoToMeeting, Skype, Dropbox, Google Hangouts, etc. But, there is something special about being in the same room with someone. Being able to hear their voice and connect with them on a more personal level.
Now, I think it's a bit funny coming from someone like me. I tend to prefer to be an introvert. I like my solitude. Even with my preference of seclusion, I value the ability to collaborate on a more intimate level. There is nothing that can fuel the creative process more than the ability to develop an intellectual bond with another or to truly be able to share ideas in real-time.
While there is technology today that makes the remote life a lot more in the realm of possibility the reality is that we are missing a piece. It's the human element. It's the ability for humans to communicate on the same level with humans.
When we don't communicate directly with one another on a human level, we'll find that the process changes quite a bit. When we just send an email, it's easier for others to discount what we think is important. When can't do something as simple as shaking someone's hand or even talking to them on the phone, we don't have the ability to remind people that we are real and deserve to be on the same level.
Consider your interactions with others. If you are only connecting digitally, you are forgetting 1000s of years of how people connect. You are missing out an important part of being human. Therefore, you are missing out on important part of truly connecting in a way that will create greatness.