I've picked up too many things from my dad. Mostly very positive. One of the things that I say often enough, that I learned from him years ago, is, "If you try to be everything to everybody, you'll end up being nothing to no one."
Yeah, I know grammatically it doesn't play well, but the statement is very true.
Too often, we try to be all things to all people. We so desperately want everyone to love us. We want to make sure that we never say anything that will be offensive.
The fact is, we can never make everyone happy. There will always be haters. There will always be people that don't believe in what you believe. In fact, there will always be those that hate you so much they'll actively fight you.
It's very obvious in politics that even the most favorite of presidents in history still had those that hate them. For all the people that love Lincoln, there is a large quantity of people that hate what he stood for.
Even the Pope can't win them all.
When you come to the realization that you can't be expected to be loved by everyone, you can finally learn to be yourself and be okay with it.
Simply be the best person you can. Simply ignore those that hate you for it.